Hey there, My name is Sophia. I live in Southwest Virginia, but I grew up in Pennsylvania. Childhood me could be found making home movies, choreographing dance routines, or writing mystery novels. I love being creative, it’s something that has followed me into marriage and motherhood.

I also love people. As an extrovert and romantic at heart, my favorite thing to do is ask the oldest couple in the room how they met and of course break it down (not well) on the dance floor—so naturally it brings me profound joy to capture the beauty of people’s love stories through photography.

Our Wedding Day - September 5, 2015

My husband and I attended the same college, but we first met at a wedding (you can see why I love them so much) We knew right away we had met THE one, and continued the rest of our dating career long distance. We spent hours at a time on the phone and sent letters to and from PA to VA. A year and a half later we were married. I was 22 and he was 25- I will always have a soft spot for young couples

Very soon after, we had our first baby-a boy. Three years later we had a little girl and most recently we welcomed our third to the family. I have had the privilege of staying home with them, and I will always be grateful for the lessons I have learned (and am continuing to learn) about the vocation of both motherhood and homemaking.

As a family we love to work on house projects, explore all of our local parks and hiking trails, sing and dance, and work in our garden. I am personally a sucker for good food, a good book, and any conversation revolving around timeless fashion.

Photography is something that takes all of my passions and puts them together to make a beautiful occupation. My goal as a photographer will always be to take what God has made and capture the beauty within it.

PC- Sydney Biggs Photography